Below average interest in most activities. Come to experience the Northern Lights, but most of all want peaceful relaxation.
Happy to travel with partner, less often senior citizens but more often families.
Want to take it easy in the morning, but gladly spend time at attractions, museums and shopping. Use afternoons for experiences and activities – nature excursions by bus and dog sledding are of interest.
Want Northern Lights chases in smaller groups, preferably only with own travel companions and gladly private guided trip. Combining Northern Lights with reindeer sledding or overnight stay may be a possibility.
Search for information about the destination than others, and generally use Google and travel agent. This group uses social media most, mostly Facebook and WhatsApp, but also others. Gladly buy ready-made packages, preferably on travel agent websites.
Segment penetration:
Activity level:
Interest for type of Northern Lights activity and transport:
Qualities for choosing Northern Norway & Northern Lights:
Important for Northern Lights excursions:
City - social:
Relevant sources of information:
Booking method - package:
- Travel agency website(54%)
- (25%)
- Contact travel agent / tour operator (14%)
Booking method - activities:
- (25%)
- Activity provider’s website (25%)
- Personal contact Tourist Office (24%)
Willingness to pay :
For 4 nights in Tromsø. Price per person, total cost / budget including travel, accommodation and activities / excursions
% prepared to…
- Pay a bit extra for completely unique activities: 19%
- Pay a bit extra for comfort during the activities / excursions: 19%
Potential (number of people in 100,000):
Short-term: In the target group and respond: Can’t think of any reasons for not visiting Northern Norway