Informasjon om Korona viruset

Arctic-365 har mottatt følgende informasjon om Korona viruset:

The Coronavirus has hit China seriously in the past weeks and the situation was escalating day after day. The whole Hubei Province including its capital city Wuhan had been totally locked down. Many other Chinese cities may follow suit later on if the virus could not be contained. The Spring Festival holiday has been prolonged from 7 days to 11 days and the government asked everyone to stay at home to avoid and stop cross infection.

The coronavirus is more contagious and difficult to identify the infected so the Chinese government has also issued the outbound group travel ban from 27th January 2020 which means all of the group and “air tickets + hotel” FIT package travelers were grounded and all relevant bookings need to be cancelled. The business travel is not affected yet.

As Chinese government has called to stop all upcoming leisure travelling business, many tour operators in China are facing tremendous risks to be bankrupt as they need to refund the customers but may not be refunded by overseas suppliers due to cancellation policies. Therefore, China Association of Travel Services has sent out an open letter to overseas suppliers on behalf of all outbound tour operators of China to ask overseas suppliers to support Chinese tour operators as attached. STB understands that it is a difficult situation for everyone in the industry and we sincerely hope that we could work together to go through this difficult period.

According to our experience with SARS 20 years ago, the situation may last to May until the weather is warm enough to stop the virous naturally. So the pessimistic situation might be there will be no outbound Chinese group travelers till May 2020.

Mer informasjon kan fås ved å kontakte:

Jason Wang, Chief Representative, Greater China

Tel: +86 (10) 5820 5119 – 106

Mobile:+86 139 1158 8287

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