Arctic Tourism 27.jan - presentasjoner

Arctic Tourism, Arctic Frontiers side-event er over, og vi takker for deltakelse og innledere for mange interessante innlegg med gode diskusjoner. Vi deler presentasjonene med dere, og de lastes ned ved å trykke på tittelen.

Fishing Tourism session

Andree Hörmann, Din Tur Germany, Sea fishing tourism – market trends in Germany

Anatoly Lukin, Director of The State Fishery Research Institute in St. Petersburg, Salmon fishing tourism in the Murmansk and Karelia region

Whale Tourism Session

Sigurstein Másson, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Whale watching in Iceland

Hin Hoarau-Heemstra, Associate Professor Nord University Business School, Innovation in Nordic whale-watching: challenges and possibilities

David Lusseau, University of Aberdeen, The scope for sustainable growth of whale watching

Cruise Tourism Session

Sergey Katikov, Russian Geographical Society – Tourism at the North Pole at Barneo Ice Camp

Sergey Shirokiy, Head of Tourism Department at National Park “Russian Arctic”, Cruise Tourism to Franz Josef land

Ronny Brunvoll, Visit Svalbard, Sustainable Tourism Development in Svalbard

Northern Lights Tourism Session

Sergey Cernuous, Professor Polar Geophysical Institute, Aurora tourism on Kola Peninsula

Anders Hanssen, Aurora Skycam, Norway Arctic Aurora Tourism: